Arrange Floral Design
Florist's Choice
Can't decide? Let us create a custom bouquet using our fresh cut flowers just for you. Leave it up to our expert florist's to design your beautiful floral arrangement.
Basket not included.

Free Same Day Flower Delivery for orders over $40 in Tauranga, Papamoa, Mt Maunganui & Te Puke and overnight delivery for other North Island towns
Arrange Floral Design offers free, for orders over $40, same day local delivery of flowers and gifts to Papamoa, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga and Te Puke, and overnight delivery to most North Island towns. If you are unsure as to whether or not your delivery area falls under the Free Delivery service, please contact us on 07 542-4585 or 021 162-3484 and we will be happy to assist you.
Delivery Times
All orders need to be received by 12:00 pm for same day local delivery. If you miss this cut off we will still do our best to deliver as soon as we can.
Orders for Saturday delivery must be received by 10:00 am Saturday.
All out of town orders need to be received no later than 10am Monday - Friday for next day delivery.
Same Day Flower Delivery
All Tauranga areas as far as Omokoroa, McLaren Falls and Paengaroa are delivered in the same day providing the order is placed before the cut off times. These areas are outside our free delivery zone and require a delivery fee.
Out Of Town Delivery
We deliver to most North Island towns overnight. All out of town orders need to be placed no later than 10am for next day delivery. As couriers don’t collect on Sundays we cannot provide Monday deliveries for out of town. Any orders made on Saturday or Sunday will be sent on Monday. Allow 2-3 days for out of town rural delivery.
Rural Delivery
If your delivery address falls outside our Omokoroa, McLaren Falls, Paengaroa, radius and is a rural address, please allow 2-3 days for delivery. If we consider the location to be too remote for a timely delivery we will contact you to discuss your options.
Weekend Delivery
Saturday deliveries orders must be received by 10:00am Saturday.
There are no Sunday deliveries or Public Holiday deliveries, with exception for significant days like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.
Hospital Delivery
All deliveries will be dropped off at the Hospital's main reception. Arrange Floral Design has no responsibility for delivery from reception to recipient.
Flower Delivery FAQ
What happens if no one is home?
We do request prior to ordering your flowers that someone will be home at your Tauranga, Papamoa, Te Puke or Mt Maunganui address. If no one is home we will leave your flowers in a safe location.
Arrange Floral Design will not be liable for damaged or missing orders
I have missed the same day cut off, Can you still deliver?
We may still be able to deliver your flowers. Please just pick up the phone and give us a call now.
021 162-3484 or 07 542-4585
Can I pick up my order?
Yes, orders can be picked up from 7 Marick place, Papamoa, Tauranga
You can still place your order online, just select "pick up" then arrange a time you would like to collect, we will have your flowers ready for you.
What happens if you cannot access the property?
If we are unable to gain access we will contact you.
How will my flowers be delivered when sent over night?
Your flowers will be wet wrapped and carefully packed into our custom flower box.
If you have any questions regarding deliveries please contact us.