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What's your Favourite Flower?

There’s nothing better than walking into a room with flowers - you just can’t help but smile when you look at them. But have you ever wondered why your favourite flower is your favourite? Why you might always have chosen roses over gerberas? And why you seem to have a lot of friends who like sunflowers? 

Different flowers symbolise different meanings and emotions and some people believe we tend to prefer the flower with the attributes that best fits with our personality. It's well recognised that flowers reflect our moods, conveying feelings such as compassion, regret, happiness and romance so perhaps it's all part of the magic and mystery of flowers. 

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What do you think your favourite flower says about you? Lovers of the ever popular Rose for example, are said to be romantic and passionate. You value tradition and strive for perfection but you also like to bring out the best in others. 

Is the Carnation you're first choice? You’re thought to be somone with a quiet nature, a trustworthy, down-to-earth person who is loyal and well-respected. You enjoy the simple things in life. 

People who prefer the Tulip are said to be kind. A naturally cheerful disposition, you are someone who make friends easily and hold onto them. There's a theory that people who are passionate about tulips are also keen travellers. 

Perhaps you know someone who is crazy about Orchids? They tend to be sophisticated, worldy types who enjoy a small circle of close friends. They value honesty but appearances are very important too.

Is the Sunflower you're favourite flower? Some say you're likely to have a bubbly, glass-half- full personality. Always happy and cheerful, you make friends easily. Whatever flowers say about you, there's no doubt they can transform a room and make people happy so what better reasons to have more flowers in our lives.

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Research Shows Flowers Good for Health and Well-Being

While flowers have been linked to health benefits and general well-being for years, more recent research is filling in the detail. Receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers can boost our energy, happiness and enthusiasm, especially as we age. 

A behavioral research study conducted by Nancy Etcoff of Harvard Medical School reveals that people feel kinder toward others and less anxious or depressed when living with fresh cut flowers around them. 

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Etcoff's study showed that spending just a few days with flowers around can affect a wide variety of feelings. Overall, people in the study simply felt more positive. “Interestingly, when we placed a small bouquet of flowers into their morning routines, people perked up," Etcoff said. Participants who had a flower arrangement in their home felt an increase in feelings of compassion and kindness for others after less than a week.

The results of another six-month study at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, demonstrated that flowers ease depression, inspire social networking and refresh memory as we age. More than 100 seniors participated in the Rutgers research study. Participants showed a significant increase in happiness and positive moods when flowers were present, performed higher on everyday memory tasks, experienced enriched personal memories and even re-engaged with members of their communities.

"Instinct tells us that flowers lift our spirits, but, their effects on seniors are especially profound, if not surprising," said Dr. Jeannette Haviland-Jones, professor of psychology and director of the Human Development Lab at Rutgers. 

A small dose of nature, like an arrangement of flowers, can do the world of good for our well-being. Being surrounded by beautiful flowers stimulates the senses, help people concentrate and just feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed. Whether they're for the home or the workplace, at Papamoa florist Arrange Floral Design our floral specialists can provide exquisite flower arrangements to boost your sense of wellbeing.

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